All of these games encourage taking turns, playing fairly, good sportsmanship and other skills.
$3.00 off one CHUTES AND LADDERS game
A staple for younger children-very easy directions and counting skills, also great story making and learning consequences.
$4.00 off the purchase of one SORRY! game
Great reading skills-I have to double check but if you can use this on SORRY! Sliders , I would suggest it! That also needs hand eye coordination and strategy and logic skills.
$4.00 off the purchase of one BATTLESHIP game
Really logic and strategy based, a lot of pieces so would also promote responsibility so you can continue to enjoy it!
$4.00 off the purchase of one OPERATION game
Hand/ Eye coordination and steadiness. Fun game and can usually be found with characters like Shrek!

$5.00 off one MONOPOLY Electronic Banking game
I have this game-I love not having all the paper money to count and loose. It still takes a while to play but is perfect for a rainy day or a fun weekend game. You still need to do math and need to think logically and budget!
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