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Groupon Goods

Children's Balance Bike –
Assorted Greeting-Card Bundle –
Collegiate Reversible Hooded Scarves –

----------------------------------Other Great Nationwide Groupon Deals----------------------------

Vegan Cross-Body Bag and Tote –
$19 for a Sacs of Life Vegan Cross-Body Uptown Bag and Tote ($69.99 Value). Four Colors Available.
Four-Piece Towel Set –
$19 for a Four-Piece Hand- and Bath-Towel Set ($37.96 Value). Six Colors Available.
Wine Sampler from –
$19 for a Premium Wine Sampler from Multiple Samplers Available. Standard Shipping and Tax Included (Up to $48.05 Total Value). Ships to Select States Only (See Fine Print).
Cartoon-Themed Kids' Train –
$25 for a Tweety- or Scooby-Doo-Themed Foot-to-Floor Ride-On Express Train ($59.99 Value)
All-Season Down Comforter –
$49 for an All-Season Down Comforter ($149.99 Value). Multiple Colors and Sizes Available.
Women's Fuzzy Socks –
$15 for a Six-Pack of Women's Fluffy Cozy Fuzzy Socks ($39.99 Value). Four Options Available. Shipping Included.
Canvas Prints by Xavier Janssens –
$49 for a 27”x36” Poly-Cotton Canvas Print by Xavier Janssens ($125 Value). Three Prints Available.
$49 for a Children’s Smart Balance Beginner Bike (Up to $99.99 Value). Eight Styles Available.
Assorted Greeting-Card Bundle –
$15 for Thirty Assorted Greeting Cards and Envelopes (Up to $82 Value)
Glee Logo Watches –
$12 for a Glee Logo Watch. Shipping Included ($32.62 Total Value). Multiple Colors and Styles Available.
Collegiate Reversible Hooded Scarves –
$15 for a Collegiate Reversible Hooded Fleece Scarf ($24.99 Value). 35 Universities Available.
“O, The Oprah Magazine” Subscription –
$10 for a One-Year Subscription to "O, The Oprah Magazine" with Oprah Tote Bag ($18 Value). Shipping Included.
Power Bundle for iPhone and iPod –
$15 for a Power Bundle with Headphones, Adapters, and USB Cord for the iPod and iPhone ($49.95 Value)

Envirosax Designer Reusable Bags –
$15 for a Set of Four Envirosax Designer Reusable Bags ($35.80 Value). Six Styles Available.
Happy Hour Drinking Glasses –
$15 for a Set of Four Happy Hour Beer Mugs, Pilsner Glasses, Pint Glasses, or Keg Glasses ($29.99 Value)
Springtime Fashion Rain Boots –
$24 for a Pair of Bootsi Tootsi Rain Boots ($48 Value). Six Styles Available.
Leather Kindle Fire Case –
$15 for a Splash Safari Leather Kindle Fire Case ($49.99 Value). Five Colors Available.
Kodak Personal Photo Scanner –
$39 for a Kodak Personal Photo Scanner ($99.99 Value)
The Original Slap Chop –
$10 for an Original Slap Chop ($19.95 Value)
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Trilogy –
$29 for Stieg Larsson's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Millennium Trilogy ($99 Value)
Summer Sausage and Cheese Package –
$29 for The Entertainer Summer Sausage and Cheese Package ($55 Value)
Conair Deluxe Garment Steamer –
$49 for a Conair Deluxe Garment Steamer ($92.94 Value). Shipping Included.
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